
Sunday, April 28, 2013

I'm excited about my pretties!

The first batch of my babies- my pretties have come in!! I am in so much love with them <3 What do you guys think? Let me know. I'll post pictures of Compulsion, OUAZA- Kylee and Supernatural Society when they come in :)

Haunted Moon

Harvest Moon

See why I'm in love? Hmm... maybe, just maybe I could be encouraged to give a Harvest Moon print away... what do you guys think?

As always, until next time...
Kymberlee, xoxo

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Haunted Moon is FREE everywhere!

I'm really happy to announce that the first novella in the Moon Coven Series, Haunted Moon is FREE almost everywhere! Right now, the only exceptions that I have found are on the international Amazon stores. It IS free on the US Amazon. 


Before Lilyann stepped into her destiny to lead the coven, there was another powerful Moon witch...her grandmother. 

A teenage witch-to-be in Galway, Ireland, Leeny Moon was prepared to take her rightful place in the circle along side of her family. That was until she witnessed firsthand the forthcoming nightmares she would be expected to face, vampires.

The fight between good versus evil begins here...

Blessed Be~ 

Barnes and Noble

I want to say thank you in advance to all of you that will share this, download my book and read and review it! You guys are AH-mazing!

As always, until next time...
Kymberlee, xoxo

Friday, April 26, 2013

What's on the agenda for today, K.B.?

You guys keep asking what's on the Agenda for today... so I'm going to tell you, LOL!
But... you should already know. I'm promoting some kick-ass authors! 
Here we go!

Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter

Destined by Jenna Pizzi

Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neill

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Playing Patience by Tabatha Vargo

Sacrifice by Stacey Rourke

Rise of the Demons by Willow Cross

The Life We Dream by J.H. Glaze

The Vampire Hunter's Daughter by Jennifer Malone Wright

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

Knotted Roots by Ruthi Kight

Unbound by Cat Miller

I hope that you've enjoyed what was on my agenda for the day! Make sure you check out ALL of these amazing authors and books!
AND... if you have the desire, give one of my books a read :)
As always, until next time...

Kymberlee, XOXOXO

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Self Publishing 101 #12 Blog Tours

Welcome to this weeks episode of Self-Publishing 101-- Blog Tours!
Grab your notebooks and writing utensils for notes :) Here we go!
The Blog tour checklist
*Media Kit
*Tour Banner
*Rafflecopter Code
*Guest Post

Media Kit template
 Media Kit:
Author Name
Book #1 Title
Book Blurb
Book Cover 
Book #2 Title
Book Blurb
Book Cover

Author Photograph 
Author Bio:

Buy Links:
Smashwords, Barnes and Nobles, Amazon, Kobo, Sony, iTunes, etc...
 Stalker Links
Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Pinterest, Tumblr, Blog, etc...
 Trailer Link:
 If you have a trailer (Those are VERY helpful!)
Rafflecopter Code:
***This is the general set up for a media kit. When sending the email to your blog hosts make sure to send ARC's (Advanced Reader Copies, if you're comfortable with that.) Also, any other promotional graphics you would like them to add to their posts.

*Click HERE to sign up for Rafflecopter

*Blog Tour Companies that Jenn and I have been able to research and recommend*

*** Remember, whether hiring a tour company or planning one yourself... the best blog tours are the ones that are the best planned! Take your time, and I'll see you on a blog tour :)

***Next week on Self-Publishing 101 we'll be over at Jenn's blog, Storytime Reviews

Jennifer Malone Wright

K.B. Miller

As always, until next time...
Kymberlee, xoxo

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My review of Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire

Finally, the highly anticipated follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Beautiful Disaster. Can you love someone too much?
Travis Maddox learned two things from his mother before she died: Love hard. Fight harder.

In Walking Disaster, the life of Travis is full of fast women, underground gambling, and violence. But just when he thinks he is invincible, Abby Abernathy brings him to his knees.

Every story has two sides. In Beautiful Disaster, Abby had her say. Now it’s time to see the story through Travis’s eyes.

My Review
5 Owls
Wow. Just when I thought that I couldn't love Travis anymore... I was wrong! Mrs. McGuire did an absolutely fabulous job with the complexity of this character. Giving us the answers we desperately craved from Travis's POV. On the surface, Travis Maddox is a shallow ladies man. When you peel back his layers, he's a dynamic character. A tattoo'd bundle of emotions. Very easy on the eyes.

I don't think that I can say Walking Disaster was better than Beautiful Disaster or vice versa. They each hold a special place in my literary heart. Just a warning... have lots of tissues on hand for this one folks!

Bravo, Jamie!

Stalker Links
Purchase Links

As always, until next time...
Kymberlee, XOXO

Saturday, April 20, 2013

New Blog Layout!

It's not often that I sit and compose a blog post that is anything other than a review, but I felt this one was warranted :)

Over the course of the past few months, I have received countless emails and private messages providing opinions and support about the direction in which I was going to proceed with the "promotional" aspect of my writing career. Great, right? Well, the honest answer here is sometimes the advice actually was helpful, and yet other times... not so much. 

You see, the reason why some of you know who I am (and that's a small amount of you, LOL) is because of the Authors that came before me that promoted my work. I've always been a pay-it-forward kind of gal. However, at the same time I realize that I usually lack in the area of "Hey girl, you need to promote your work too" If you asked me if there was one thing that I totally sucked at-- it would be self-promotion. But, I working on it ;)

Some of the advice that I recieved was to stop promoting other authors and focus on myself. That's a LOT self-centered to me and I just can't do it. With that being said, I understand that I need to have a few sites that are dedicated to "K.B. Miller", the author.
So, there is a new blog on my Website and that is for the fans. My Website, Twitter, Amazon and Fanpage are all dedicated to my writing, books and me... this blog-- NO! This blog is for me to continue to do something I love, promote all of my author friends!

You're still going to get Self-Publishing 101 on here. You're still going to see my books on here, but now you're also going to see the reviews that I leave for other authors, spotlights, blogtour spots and anything else I can do to help lift up other authors. That's just me.

So... what do you think of the new layout? I designed EVERYTHING myself and I'm super proud!

Oh, FYI in advance... some of the future posts on here will not be for the younger crowd-- you know, graphic language and such. 

If there's something that you want to see on here, leave me a comment or shoot me an email. All info can be found in the tabs at the top! Make sure that you poke around-- be nosey! Heaven knows I am! :)

As always, until next time...
Kymberlee, XOXO

My review of Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

The new Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University's Walking One-Night Stand. 

Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby needs—and wants—to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby’s resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis’s apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.

My Review

5 Owls
People told me that I wasn't going to enjoy this book. After devouring it in a matter of 48 hours, my response... "Wanna bet?" I'm an author. Contemporary romance is not usually my thing. I write YA and NA Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy. I've always had a hard time reading about events that could actually occur.

But, let me assure you... after reading Beautiful Disaster, I'm now a huge fan of contemporary romance!

The authors writing absolutely fit the genre. The characters were well developed with numerous layers and facets. I became attached to Travis and Abby after mere pages, which speaks volumes. The story line was well thought out and completely believable for the age group that it's written about. And, let's be honest... Mrs. McGuire delivered the one thing that most of us want in a book, a wonderful bad boy to fall in love with!

Walking Disaster releases on my birthday, April 2, and I have my copy preordered and ready to go.

Kudos to Jamie on this wonderful hit!

Purchase Links

Amazon - Barnes and Noble

Stalker Links

Facebook - Goodreads - Website

As Always, until next time...

Kymberlee, XOXO

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hecate's Awakening Cover Reveal April 2, 2013!!!

It is with GREAT pleasure that I introduce my fans and friends to my upcoming YA Paranormal Romance;
Hecate's Awakening
A Crossroads Prep School Novel
This amazing cover is by the incredibly talented cover artist, Regina Wamba of Mae I design and Photography
Hecate's Awakening
 Releases 2013!!!!
add it to your TBR on Goodreads
Follow me on 
for all of the latest updates!

As always, until next time


Monday, April 1, 2013

No Turning Back Blog Tour Guest Post #1

What are your ‘must-haves’ to write, K.B.?

I’ve been asked this question countless times.  Usually, I keep my secrets very close to the vest.  However, today I’m going to tell them all to you! 

When I sit down to write, I need candles lit.  My favorite scents are Pumpkin Pie, Appleberry, and Apple Cinnamon.  I’m not really sure how that started, but it has become sort of an obsession now.  No candles = no writing.

My iPod.  When I’m writing a scene, and it doesn’t matter what the scene is, I have to have music.  I have scoured the land of iTunes to find different music, evoking different emotions.

Fuzzy socks.  Okay, now don’t laugh.  Seriously.  I have these particular socks that have Eeyore embroidered on them.  I have 7 pairs and they’re all different colors.  Again, I have no clue how this started, but now it’s a must!

Notebook and special pen. Most of my friends know about this. It's a sckness really. I have to have my leopard print pen and spiral notebook. I'm very much a plotter, and I have to have my special tools to plot ;)

When you write emotionally driven scenes... you get hungry!  I always have a supply of those little Breakstone’s Cottage Cheese and strawberry snack things around. The other go to snack food for me is Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream! That stuff is the BOMB!

The final element needed for me to write is... Coffee.  LOTS of coffee!  My husband says that he believes I have personally helped bankroll that fabulous establishment, LOL!  Well... it’s needed ;)
Thank you so much for joining me!  I hope that you follow the rest of the tour.

Mason loves her.

Dax needs her. 

Maylee still wants her dead.

The Moon Coven series continues as the highly coveted Spirit Witch, Lilyann Moon, settles into her new destiny─ putting an end to the curse her family initiated more than five hundred years ago, once and for all.

If only her new relationship was as easy to figure out as what she’s going to wear to the annual Winter Ball. 

After narrowly escaping the fight in October with his life, her boyfriend, Mason Shaw, is determined to drive a wedge between them with his overprotective ways.

As usual, everything goes to hell in a hand basket as one of their own is kidnapped. Lily must travel across the “pond”, back to her family’s homeland, to retrieve the lost member. Along the way, she must ally herself with an enemy from her past and work with a ragtag band of hunters that don’t believe that she has it in her to do what needs to be done.
Sometimes, there really is no turning back...

Can the Moon Coven save their lost member? Or will they wind up sacrificing themselves in the end?

As always, until next time...