
Monday, May 27, 2013

My review of Addicted by Jenna Pizzi

Are things ever as they seem?
Riley sets out to start a new life. A life away from the past she longs to leave behind. She finds herself in a new city, with a chance at a new beginning. A recovering drug addict, she finds a local support group that makes her feel welcomed and accepted.
A new job, a new start, new friends, it’s exactly what she needs. Or is it?
When some local group members begin to go missing, Riley begins to feel as though she’s being watched. Will she be tempted to fall into her old patterns, or will she fight the demons that haunt her. Is it all in her mind, or she the victim of something more sinister?

My Review
4 Owls
The concept of this short story is completely fresh. When you're addicted to drugs the professionals encourage you to break ties with the ones that helped you become addicted. In this story, Riley moves from the small town to a big city. But, things are not always as they seem. I loved the storyline, characters and plot and I would have given this shorty 5 stars, but I think the author could make this into a full length suspense/thriller and have a National Bestseller on her hands. 

Stalker Links

Purchase Link

As Always, until next time...
Kymberlee, XOXOXO

Friday, May 24, 2013

As You Wish Tours! Make sure you check it out!

As You Wish Tours
Owner:  Julia Hendrix
Co-Owners:  Len Phelps & Tina Donnelly
Website:  As You Wish Tours

Services Available for Authors
  • Cover Reveals
  • Release Event
  • Series Promo Event
  • Trilogy Promo Event
  • Author Spotlight 
  • Book Trailer 
  • Single Book Promo
  • Tour Kick Off 
  • Single Book Tour
  • Trilogy Book Tour
  • Series Book Tour 
Each service option can include:

~ 1 - 3 - 5 Day Event Options ~
~ 7 - 14 - 28 Day Tour Options ~
~ Prices Vary ~
    • Please see definitions and implementation details below
    • Payment is accepted through Paypal Only

    Definitions and Implementation Details

    1. Author Spotlight
    a) Promotes the Author
    b) Guest/Specialty Posts via Author
    c) Includes: Cover, Synopsis, Blurb,
    Author Photo, Bio, Author Links & Book Links

    2. Book Trailer
    a) Promotes Book w/Trailer
    b) Includes; Synopsis and/or Blurb,
    Author Bio, Author Links & Book Links

    3. Cover Reveals
    a) Promotes New Book w/Cover
    B) Includes: Cover, Synopsis and/or Blurb,
    Author Photo, Bio, Author Links

    4. Release Event
    a) Promotes Newly Released Book
    b) Includes: Cover, Synopsis and/or Blurb,
    3-5 Excerpts, Author Photo, Bio, Author Links
    & Book Links

    5. Series/Trilogy Promo
    a) Promotes Series/Trilogy
    b) Includes: Cover, Synopsis, Blurb,
    3-5 Excerpts, Author Photo, Bio, Author Links
    & Book Links

    6. Single Book Promo
    a) Promotes Book
    b) Includes: Cover, Synopsis, Blurb, 3-5 Excerpts,
    Author Photo, Bio, Author Links & Book Links

    7. Tour Kick Off
    a) Promotes Tour w/Schedule
    b) Includes: Banner, Schedule, Cover,
    Synopsis and/or Blurb, Author Links & Book Links

    8. Single Book Tour
    a) Promotes Book
    b) Includes: Spotlights, Excerpts, Guest Posts,
    Specialty Posts, Author Interviews & Character Interviews
    c) Optional: Tour Wide Giveaway
    Hosted Giveaway via Rafflecopter

    9. Trilogy Book Tour
    a) Promotes Trilogy
    b) Includes: Spotlights, Excerpts, Guest Posts,
    Specialty Posts, Author Interviews & Character Interviews
    c) Optional: Tour Wide Giveaway
    Hosted Giveaway via Rafflecopter

    10. Series Book Tour
    a) Promotes Series 4-6 Books (14-28 Days) 7+ Books (28 Day)
    b) Includes: Spotlights, Excerpts, Guest Posts,
    Specialty Posts, Author Interviews & Character Interviews
    c) Optional: Tour Wide Giveaway
    Hosted Giveaway via Rafflecopter
    For more information about services
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    Mel's review of Willow Point by S.R. Grey

    With the Harbour Falls Mystery solved, author Maddy Fitch hopes secrets and lies are behind her. But a cryptic letter from her former best friend would seem to indicate otherwise. Is the man Maddy fell in love with while solving the Harbour Falls Mystery, the gorgeous and rich Adam Ward, keeping a damning and potentially dangerous secret from her? Only the writer of the letter, Ami Hensley, knows for sure. But Maddy is hesitant to confront her, since the last time they saw one another Ami tried to kill her. 
    But if Maddy wants answers--ones that could potentially save Adam--then she must face her fears and visit her former friend. Unfortunately for Maddy, Ami is currently locked up in the creepiest place in Maine, an old gothic structure that houses the criminally insane, known simply as Willow Point. 

    Will this new mystery tear Maddy and Adam apart? 

    Who else is in on Adam's secret? 

    And will Maddy find the answers before it's too late? 

    Another heart-stopping page turner from the author of Harbour Falls. Willow Point promises to keep you on the edge of your seat. 

    2nd in A Harbour Falls Mystery series. Romance/Mystery genres.

    Mel's Review
    5 Penguins
    Another excellent installment in the Harbour Falls Trilogy! Willow Point pulls us right back into the mystery revolving around the enigmatic Adam Ward and his friends from Fade Island. Once again it's up to Maddy to unravel the mystery and save not only the day but the people she loves as well. I absolutely love the characters in this series and they are as interesting and exasperating as ever in Willow Point. I found myself wanting to shake some sense into a few of them more than once. Now add to that mix the new to town mysterious and sexy Stowe stirring up more questions than he answers. I admit I am hooked! If I had any complaint it would be that after that nail biting cliffhanger of an ending  I have to wait a whole year to find out what happens next. Who is Stowe? Will Maddy be able to save the day again and finally get her happily ever after? I don't know but I certainly can't wait to find out! In my opinion Willow Point and the entire Harbour Falls series is Highly recommended.

    Stalker Links

    Purchase Links

    Thursday, May 23, 2013

    Sefl-Publishing 101 Episode #16 Hyperlinks in eBooks

    Welcome to Self Publishing 101
    hosted by
    Jennifer Malone Wright 
    K.B. Miller
    Episode #16
    Hyperlinking in eBooks

    Screen shots of how to hyperlink in your ebook.
    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Step 4

    Step 5

    Step 6

    Step 7

    Don't add hyperlinks to your Smashwords edition-- your ebooks WON'T be approved for Premium!
    Leave your topic suggestions in the comments below! 

    Jennifer Malone Wright

    K.B. Miller

    As always, until next time...
    Kymberlee, XOXO

    Monday, May 20, 2013

    The "Welcome Mat" has finally been worn out...

    That’s a pretty bold title for a blog post, I know.  However, if you stick with me and read the entire post, you’ll see why it actually fits.  I want to make sure that this post conveys the emotional roller-coaster ride that I’ve been on lately.  I should warn you-- grab some coffee now... this is going to be a long one ;)

    Over the course of the past two years, I’ve made a whole host of new friends in the writing community.  I’m so very thankful for that.  I’ve met writers, editors, graphic artists, PR people and the list goes on and on.  I’ve also taken quite a bit of time to learn and hone different skills in the self publishing community and in some cases I’ve even discovered some of my new passions.  Why am I telling you all this?  Well, because of the skills that I've developed and the way that I was raised I reached out a helping hand to anyone and everyone I could.

    You see, I had been burned and scammed by two previous publishers, so I had to learn a lot about every aspect of the publishing world.  I needed to be thorough, but fast.  At first, I started helping other authors that had been hurt by publishers-- left with broken dreams of being a writer and little to no hope of achieving that dream.  I had been through that myself and overcame it and I wanted to help others overcome that hurdle.  So, I did.

    As time passed others came to me.  I helped them as I had everyone else.  It's in my nature-- who I AM.  All the while I was getting a little behind in my own work.  Some of those I helped would ask, "Kym, are you sure this won't hinder YOUR work?"

    Of course, I said no.  I could stay up a little later at night and finish my own work.  No problem.  I felt great inside.  I was able to help people.  (My parents were foster care parents.  Helping others is in my blood.)  Everything was fine.  **Pay attention, here's where the story goes from all rainbows and unicorns to hell in a handbasket ;)**

    After a couple of months, some of these authors stopped asking if it would hinder my work.  They didn't care anymore.  They would call me at a moment's notice and ask me to format a book, do a cover, make a graphic, walk them through THEIR story ideas-- I would tell them, "Now's not a good time.  I have a LOT of catching up to do with my own writing.  My fans are getting restless."

    Did they care?  No.  They kept talking.  They paid no attention to how they were treating someone they claimed as a friend. OR, was it just the way our society works now? Do for me.  And, screw you!  *Side note, by this point I was pulling my hair in clumps and crying silently. Always keep that tough girl candy coating. All the while your insides are oozing. Yep! That’s me*

    Now, this is the part in this story that I should have put my foot down and said... NO!  My work comes first, but... *see how the doormat thing plays into this?*  I didn't.  I continued to help them.  I was never paid.  I never asked for payment.  These were my friends? *yeah, right.*  They got what they wanted and needed from me and walked.  Only bothering to contact me when they were once again in need-- which became FAR too often for me to even take a pee without someone asking me to just wait and pee later...

    So, that brings us to today.  I have put the "Closed" sign on my door of helping people.  Those few bad eggs have rotted everything for everyone else.  They've ruined the ease with which I once trusted people.  So, please DON'T send me emails, private messages, instant messages, text messages or anything else asking for my help.  I won't do it.  For that, I'm sorry.  It HONESTLY hurts my heart.  I don’t like NOT helping people. MY family always said I should have been a social worker... (Hmm, new career path, maybe?)

    The one constant statement made about Self-Publishing 101 is the genuine care that people see from Jenn and I towards our fans/followers--- know why?  Because, we do.  But, Self-Publishing is the ONLY way I can/will help anyone from this point forward.  This experience cut me so deeply that I seriously considered walking away from writing altogether.  I’m not.  But, I’d be lying if I told you that I hadn’t considered going underground never to be heard from again.  *Aww, you’re stuck with me, LOL*

    I don't want sympathy. Please don’t comment on this post, but Kym you’re amazing and etc... but I also don't want people to say, "Well, Kym's a bitch because she won't help!"  You go through what I did and tell me that you would still trust people.  I can't.  So, if you can, then you're a better person than me.  Good luck with that!

    Now, I’m headed into the batcave to do something that I haven’t for a very long time! I’m mapping out how I’m going to decorate my new palace during my world domination tour ;)


    Saturday, May 18, 2013

    My new addiction...

    ...A&E's, Duck Dynasty
    I hadn't seen this show prior to three weeks ago, but now... I'm absolutely addicted! I know, I know. What do you mean, Kymberlee? How could you not have heard of this show? It's been talked about everywhere!
    It's one of the most popular shows on T.V. at the moment.

    Remember, I said I hadn't watched the show, not that I had not heard of this show... big difference. As a matter of fact, quite a few of my friends and family kept trying to persuade me to sit down and give it a go. However, my time is limited and I wanted nothing to do with it. I didn't want to use what little "T.V." time I allow myself spent trying to watch a show about bible toting men and women, guns, camouflage and hunting... totally not my thing. Not one part of that show appealed to me.

    With that being said, a few weeks ago I was in bed with my laptop and I was bored. A&E happened to have a day-long marathon of Duck Dynasty's season 3 airing in preparation for the season finale later that night. I flipped through ALL of the channels begging for something that appealed to me. But, there was absolutely nothing on-- Not even the Sham-WOW guy :(  Now, I could have put in a DVD or Blue Ray of something else, but to be completely honest... I was too lazy comfortable to get up. Hey, don't judge!

    So, reluctantly I flipped the channel back to A&E. The very first episode that came on was entitled: Duck Season Eve. (Seriously? Like, Christmas Eve... is hunting really that important?) I curled up on my side, thinking that at the very least it would bore me right to sleep. (I could have totally used a nap)

    SHOCK... I began laughing. These characters reminded me of my family. Mildly crazy, good-hearted, hunting folk. I paused my live TV, ran downstairs and poured myself a mug of coffee and raced back upstairs and watched some more.

    During one of the commercial breaks, I hunted around YouTube for anything and everything on this show, but it wasn't just the show... after only watching 2 full episodes I knew who each member of The Robertson Family was. They felt like... dare I say it? They felt like MY family.

    I found this and cracked up again!

    Crazy, Uncle Si! We all have one. I was hooked. I have since purchased the previous seasons on DVD, a pink camo hat and t-shirt. I'm looking to buy a duck call. (No. I don't hunt. My ENTIRE family does, but I don't.)

    Now... I can hear you out there saying, but Kymberlee... you don't DO religion. How could you possibly like watching this? It's all about God and praying. Well, that's partly true. They do end every episode with a family prayer. And, consider this... my father is a Baptist preacher. My husband and son are active Catholics. I'm around religion all the time. And, actually... I'm thankful for that. I believe in the concept that everyone is entitled to their own opinion-- To each their own and all, ya know? They don't push anything on me and accept me for who am I and what I believe.

    I think what has really touched me about this show is the family dynamic. I'm so tired of watching or even worse now that my son is 11 years old-- HIM watching these reality shows following drunk college kids around who sleep with multiple people and puke everywhere, or crazy housewives from different cities that are NOT like any REAL housewife that I know... remember, I AM a housewife. I don't walk around my house wearing insanely expensive clothing scheming to destroy one of my friends lives. I'm usually chugging coffee while dusting, vacuuming, washing dishes, walking dogs, washing/drying and folding laundry, promoting and marketing, having conference calls with; other authors, libraries and convention planners, or planning Self Publishing videos, and begging for just a few peaceful minutes to write.

    So, the fact that Duck Dynasty is a show that I can happily snuggle with my son and husband and not fear what curse words will come out of their mouths that he will pick up and repeat at school. The fact that this show encourages people to display a moral compass... I'M IN!! PLUS, it's just absolutely hysterical!!!

    So, give it a go! Being a redneck is cool! FYI for this post... my family is originally from Galway, Ireland but settled in Charlottesville, VA until my parents moved to Baltimore, MD. I AM a Redneck Chick from way back, but just hadn't accepted it ;)

    As the Robertsons' say when people leave... "I'm gone!"

    I can't wait to hear what you guys think! Leave me a comment and share with your friends <3

    As always, until next time...
    Kymberlee, xoxoxo

    Thursday, May 16, 2013

    There's a party going on this weekend! Meet party Host, Linda Foster

     Introducing ..... author Linda Foster!!! An esteemed hostess with the mostest!

    Linda's Featured Story is inside: Click here to purchase for $0.99

    My name is Linda Foster. I was born and raised in Colorado, where I still live with my (very patient) husband and four (very spoiled) ferrets.  I became an avid reading enthusiast the moment I picked up my first book, and have grown steadily worse with time.  By the time I was 15 years old, my library had become too big for my shelves, and I was forced to donate all of my books to the local school, just to make room for new ones.  I started writing short novellas for my friends in middle school, and expanded into full-length novels several years later. 

    Soul Bound is my first published novel.Though I had my short story Condemned, which is based on the characters in my book, published in the Dark Heart Anthology January 2012. So if January seems like a lifetime away, like it does for me, you can pick up a copy of my short story. You will get to hear Ash’s back story and get a little taste for my writing while you wait for the book. And all proceeds go to charity! Just click on the link below!


    Now for a little preview of my book…

    Soul Bound is set for publication January 2014.
    Ash was just another high school student, intent on living life to the fullest.  Until he sold his soul to a demon to save his sister’s life, and fell in love with a fallen angel.

    Kali, on the other hand, had never considered herself normal.  She was, after all, one of the original fallen angels – cast from Heaven in the days before mankind, and cursed to serve a dark master as repentance.  She’s spent thousands of years battling that fate, and trying to regain her soul.

    Now the two find themselves bound together by a promise that can’t be broken, tied by a blood vow stronger than life itself.  Kali has unwittingly gained Ash’s soul, and cannot be rid of it by any means available to her.  Ash, on the other hand, cannot escape with his life – or soul – intact.

    But there are darker fates than being tied to a demon.  Like being at the top of the Master of Dark’s kill list.  Kali has spent centuries unwillingly serving him, and dreaming of a way out.  Now she’s found it.  It will take an alliance of the fallen angels, and answers to some ancient questions, but the end will mean redemption. Freedom. The chance to go back home.

    If they succeed, they become angels once again, and return to light.  If they fail, the entire world fails with them.

    Unfortunately, things are rarely that simple.  When Ash gets involved – in the worst ways possible – Kali must defend the blood vow, and finds her path littered with demons, sacred artifacts, confusion … and a love she never saw coming.

    You can find more information on my website -
     And you can follow me on Facebook
    Or Twitter @lkfoster86

    Join Linda and the other amazing authors at my Purgatory Reign Release party this Saturday, May, 18th!

    Prize list:
    - itunes gift cards
    - free books of course  
    - Swag galore from multiple authors
    and so much more  

    Party Host Schedule – Saturday, May 18th, 2013

    3pm-4pm (EST) Kymberlee Burks-Miller
    4pm-5:30pm (EST) Emma Michaels
    5:30pm-6pm (EST) LM Preston
    6pm-7pm (EST) Linda Foster
    7pm-8pm (EST) Doug Solter
    8pm-9pm (EST) KaSonndra Leigh
    9pm-10pm (EST) LM Preston Party Close Out
    TWITTER PARTY: Friday, 5/17 at 7pm-9pm EST, use the hashtag #PurgatoryReign and @LM_Preston prizes include $5 Amazon Gift cards for 2 winners & books, swag prizes

    Starring 5 other authors and blog hosts, tons of prizes and fun.

    About Purgatory Reign by LM Preston
    Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance, Action Adventure

    Brief description of Purgatory Reign

    Seventeen-year-old Peter Saints’ life stinks. But things are about to get much worst. First, his parents are murdered in front of him. Then another victim dies in his arms.

    Visions plague Peter with warnings that something wants him for a sinister cause. It desires the one thing that Peter refuses to give – his blood. Peter carries within him the one gift or curse that could unlock a secret to destroy the human race.

    On the run with Angel, a girl disguised as a scruffy kid, Peter starts to unravel the mystery. It’s the one treasure the heavens sought to hide from the world. Unfortunately, when Peter finds the answer he hopes that will save them, he opens the door to a great evil that happens to be salivating to meet him.

    By LM Preston,

    Order Below:

    RaffleCopter Prize Pack: Paperback or Ebook copy of Purgatory Reign, $20 Amazon Gift Card, T-shirt, a prize from all participating authors

    a Rafflecopter giveaway