
Friday, March 14, 2014


Today marks the beginning of my birthday bash! This is the first year since my mom passed away from breast cancer the day after my birthday in 2001 that I'm actually going to celebrate it.

Since I'm featuring two authors today, I'll be giving away an ecopy of any of my books to two winners; One here and one on my website! So make sure that you leave a comment on each blog participating to enter the daily giveaway and don't forget about the rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.

Cambria Hebert
Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series and the Death Escorts series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor's degree, couldn't pick a major and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. 

Cambria is one of my favorite NA Contemporary Romance and Paranormal authors. The first book I ever read of Cambria's was Recalled of her Death Escorts series. I'm a total paranormal junkie and this book definitely lived up to the hype. Since first reading Cambria's work, I have been a huge fan. Pick up any of her books and get lost in her worlds. Just an FYI, my favorite book by Cambria is Text. I have read that book three times!!

Heven & Hell Series

Death Escorts Series

Take It Off Series

Stalker Links

Purchase Links

J.S. Wilsoncroft
My name is J.S. Wilsoncroft. I live in Pennsylvania with my husband and two children and two yappy dogs. I am a full time dog groomer and a part time writer.

Writing has become an addiction to me...along with chocolate, wine and food. Thank God they are legal. hehehehe

I love writing romance stories about average or less than average gals with everyday normal problems. In my stories it's the less than average girls that get the HOT STEAMY guys. Not all men want the Barbie doll, hour glass figured women. I am also known to write a little thriller here and there, just to stir things up a bit. Life isn't always about love you know? Gotta have a ghost or two floating around somewhere. hehehe

I have four romance books available nationwide, two which are best sellers, Remembering Zane and Fat Chances, The Unfaithful Widow and My Haunting Love. Coming in 2014 is my three book series, Roller Coaster Love. I also self-published a few ebooks, Toothless, Like Father Like Daughter and Scratch-n-Sniff.

I recently read Fat Chances by J.S and you'll rind my review below, but first let me show you some of this amazing authors work!

Annie is a normal, overweight 18-year-old senior in high school, until she meets Cory, the sexy, super hot Zumba instructor that turns her life upside down. Plagued with extreme insecurity due to her excessive weight, Annie learns to love and to love herself. Through Cory, she learns that she is lovable.“Fat Chances” will warm your heart and reminds us all that it’s what’s in the heart, not on the body, that counts.

My Review of Fat Chances
5 Owls
I really enjoyed Fat Chances! Normally, our main female characters are slim, fit, and unbeknownst to them, runway model gorgeous. Annie is not... at least not on the outside. A forced trip to a Zumba class is going to rock her world! To me, this book had a realistic quality that we should be instilling in our young ladies. You don't have to paint your face, starve, or be a Hollywood starlet to get the guy. Just be true to yourself, the way Annie was. She learned how to love herself, while being healthy, NOT anorexic. I loved the characters, and this world! Bravo J.S.!!

Stalker Links

Purchase Links

Make sure you join us tomorrow over at Jeni's Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More where we'll be featuring Aneesa Price!!

And, on April 2nd we want you to change your profile pictures to the image below. We're going to Light it up Blue in honor of Autism Awareness!! So, make sure you save the image :)

As always, until next time...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy Early Birthday KB!!!! And thank you authors for all donating your goodies (oh my that totally sounded wrong hahaha) J.S. is a new author for me. Now Cambria I know but haven't had the pleasure of reading her books as of yet. :D

    1. Autumn, you win an ecopy of your choice of any of my books :) Please pm me on Facebook with your choice! Congrats <3

  2. Happy Birthday KB!!!!!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

    1. Toni you also win an ebook of mine of your choice! Congrats!! Please choose a title and send me an email at
