
Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 2nd Birthday Post

We made it!! Today is my birthday :) Thank you all for the amazing birthday wishes and cards <3 I'm supposed to showcase my own, so that's what I'm going to do.

Don't forget to leave a comment on this post for a chance to win one of my ebooks, and remember the rafflecopter is all the way at the bottom with a lot more yummy prizes to win!

Author K.B. Miller is a proud native of Baltimore, Maryland. Currently she resides in a tiny valley nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Pennsylvania along with with her husband and son (both Steelers fans ─ eww!), her energetic puppy ─ Cullen Edward, and her mouthy blue front Amazon Parrot, Poppy.

She’s also a huge football nut! That's right fellas, she’s a DIE-HARD Ravens fan living in Pennsylvania! How's that for ballsy? 

She’s been writing for as long as she can remember, but two years ago her loving husband─ who believed in her talent, finally gave her a gentle push... actually, according to her, it was really more of a kick... in the lower back-upper thigh region. She claims it hurt. After a few restless nights she decided to allow everyone to meet all of the crazy characters in her head, and here we are.

K.B. has as her family calls it, a ridiculous addiction to hats, shoes, sunglasses, owls, and coffee. No problems there, right? That's what she said.

Welcome to K.B.-land, it's a lot like Disneyland only without all of the endless lines, overly happy people and it doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg to enter! LOL

For the entire month of April, as my way of saying thank you to the fans and readers all of my books are on sale!!

Let's take a look at my next four releases

Stalker Links

Purchase Links

As always, until next time...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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