
Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Hiya gang! Are we all ready to take our little witches, monsters, and hobgoblins out trick-or-treating? I can't wait to see all the costumes this year. Hopefully everyone has great weather and spooky fun time.

I have some exciting news about my children's books to share with everyone. As most of you know, I write in multiple genres. And, my littlest readers are very important to me. All of my books have morals and values embedded in the storylines and that makes me very happy. However, because I do write stories for my older fans I wanted to make sure that our little readers couldn't accidentally pick up one of my other books that are not suited for them and read something that they shouldn't.

So... from here on out, ALL of my children's books will be written under my real name, Kymberlee Miller. That way there should be no confusion at all. My children's books have their own pages on Facebook, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. All of them can be found below.

Now that this change has happened, I can pick up the release schedule that I had originally set for our little readers.

Thank you everyone for being so patient with us as we made these necessary changes!

You can pick up the first two books in the series on the following sites:

I hope that you'll join me over on the kid friendly fanpage on Facebook with the little ones. We have lots of things happening over there all the time. AND new releases on the way!

Happy Halloween,
Kymberlee Miller

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